It's our anniversary!
Rather than bore you on what a blessing marriage has been and what a great husband I have (all true), I decided to humor you and share some things I have learned about Paul, things about me, share some from our experiences, and give some insights into married life in general...
Year One:
Paul is not neat. His mom is neat, and picked up after him his whole life. Hopes and dreams of a neat freak husband to pick up after me dashed.
Paul is not good at throwing surprise parties (I had it all figured out). But, I learned that if I say I want something, he's going to make it happen.
Money does not grow on trees, even Canadian money.
Poutine is this nasty concoction of french fries, curd cheese, and gravy. Canadians love it. Paul loves it. I, on the other hand, DO NOT.
Not everything needs to be microwaved for 2 minutes.
Me (the social worker) have learned more about understanding others from Paul than anyone else...
Year Two:
Always package up the leftovers. This is Paul's most hated chore. He will do just about anything else housework wise, just not that.
Quick clean up for company mastered.
There are cultural differences between the US and Canada. A chesterfield is a couch. "bean" ="been" with the accent, Harvey's is a nasty hamburger joint in Canada, Canadian Tire sells WAY more than tires, tea is more of a tradition than something people actually drink. There are many more...
Only an amazingly committed person will clean an infected surgical wound for you daily. (sorry for you weak stomach people).
It's amazing how much crap two people can accumulate- the first move made this clear. I do not look forward to the next one!
Paul is way nicer than me.
Year Three:
Paul likes stuff. If an interest arises, we can guarantee a full like of accessories, "how-to's", clothing, and more! Try to change him- I think not!
My husband is not only committed to me, but to my family. This is no easy task at times, particularly during some hard times.
Toby Mac is cool (D.C. Talk aside j/k)
Buying good shoes is a must.
It's rare a find a man that is both a good husband and a good father. Thank you Lord for the blessing of both...
Seeing a man fall in love with his child is very awesome.
Allowing Paul to find his own "way" as a father was the best thing I have done. Not being a controlling, bossy, specific parent has made him even more special to our boys. They do "their" thing.
Wait, was there life before kids?
Year Four:
If something cannot be found by Paul, take your finger and draw a strait line from the end of his nose and whatever it is you are looking for will be there. Guaranteed.
Magnum P.I. is cool!
I am a "stewer". I get mad about stuff he has no clue about, then act all jerky. This is bad, husbands need to be told. They won't "just figure it out" Ever. It's just the way it is. Moral of the story- tell them what's bothering you, what needs to be done, etc...
We love Friends. Best show ever. Lots of laughs.
Being in school with a marriage and family is a challenge! I am thankful that Paul's a rock- even when he's spread thin.
Even when you KNOW you are right, it's not ALWAYS necessary to point it out.
Year Five:
Wow! Even with a busy life, laugh a lot!
Get away every now and then, overnight or a couple days. It is hard to be away from the kids, but needed! Even though you still might talk about the kids the whole time.
Only an honest man would be willing to say to his wife on the way to the hospital to give birth "I am more worried about me than you" (he had a major flu bug, all the nasty symptoms you can think of). Thank God for that nasty stuff he did in year two, or violence might have occurred.
Accepting my in-laws for who they are rather than wondering why they aren't just like me was the best thing I could have done.
Year Six:
My husband is a patient man. With the kids, with me, with my family... hard to come by!
"Let's go, so we can get back" is our motto. We love being home, love being together. This is great.
The day that degree arrived was an awesome day.
I can't remember crap, but fortunately my hubby always can refresh my memory. I am not a liar, I just forget details.
While money still does not grow on trees, having a little is nice. Student loans- not so nice.
I wonder what this will look like at year 10, 20, 30, and 40... or however long God gives us.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
And it's two bare feet on the dashboard....
When I return to work tomorrow, I have 24 days left until the bliss of summer vacation.
I can't wait to reap this benefit of working in a school following the teacher's schedule!
I am looking forward to 72 days of freedom!
Vacations, naps, back yard fun (and as Kenny would say: It's a smile, it's a kiss
It's a sip of wine, it's summertime). .... all things we will enjoy and continue building our traditions!
I can't wait to reap this benefit of working in a school following the teacher's schedule!
I am looking forward to 72 days of freedom!
Vacations, naps, back yard fun (and as Kenny would say: It's a smile, it's a kiss
It's a sip of wine, it's summertime). .... all things we will enjoy and continue building our traditions!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Obsessed much?
I have an ongoing joke with my sister... it stems from a Friends TV Show Trivia game. I am a Friends whiz, it's hands down my favorite show. I can kick anyone's butt who challenges me- bring it on. However, aside from that I do not have something that I am really good at. Maybe just a few things I do okay with. So, our joke begins where I start off many sentences by saying "I am not good and many things... but....". Not laughing? Well, if you keep up with my blog you will remember that I stink at explaining things. But, trust me, it's funny.
I am not good at many things, but getting a bargain is one of them. I can honestly find any deal, any time, anywhere. I rarely buy anything (groceries aside) that is not on clearance, preferably 75% off with a coupon on top of that.
I have 2 coupon files. One for food/grocery items. One for personal care. Each is organized by type (for instance, snacks, meats, dog items, makeup/face, soap etc.) They are with me at all times! You never know when you might have to stop off at the store.
Target is by far my favorite place to find deals, "end cap cruising" is the only way to do it. Rite Aid is a close second, they have LOTS of 75% off items.
Here is how it's done. Enter Target. Ignore all colorful and inviting bags, purses, and other cute stuff. Focus only on signs that say "clearance". Look for the infamous orange/red sticker. Open coupon book and assess if there is a corresponding coupon for the item. But, adopt the policy that if you don't need it, can't use it, or don't know someone who can, then pass (i.e: Depends Men's Guards). I have also bought excess toothpaste, soap, deodorant and kept some, donated the rest to shelters, soup kitchens, needy families, etc.
And, admittedly, I have bought those items that I couldn't use, and been sorry later.
Need something specific? Here is Target's mark down schedule. (Thank you Jerry Seawood for the insider info!)
Monday - Electronics, Kids Clothing and Stationary (Cards, GiftWrap, etc.)
Tuesday - Domestics, Women's Clothing, Pets and Market (food items)
Wednesday - Men's Clothing, Toys, Lawn & Garden, Health and Beauty items
Thursday - House Wares, Lingerie, Sporting Goods, Shoes, Music / Movies, Books, Decor and Luggage
Friday - Auto, Cosmetics, Hardware, and Jewelry
After holiday's:
50% off the day after holiday for three days
75% off the fourth day after holiday for three days
90% off the seventh day after holiday for 1-2 days.
Other places to look:
Rite Aid/Walgreen's/CVS: Scope isles and end-caps for "discontinued", "clearance", and "last chance". This is where I get most of my cosmetics for less and $2 each when they are 75% off plus a dollar off with a coupon. Also, I have paid about .25 cents for toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc. Cleaning products, diapers, and other baby products are also something you can find in these stores.
For clothing, I try to wait for the "Friends and Family" coupons. Most stores do them once or twice per year. There are few restrictions on them, so they can be used on top of sale or clearance. The Gap, Old Navy, Banana Republic, and Ann Taylor Loft are some of my favorites.
For toys, I do hit the yard sales. But, avoid stuffed animals- they can be nasty. I like to stick to plastic type toys and I have gotten some steals on name brand clothes and shoes. I operate usually with the motto "if I would live there, I will shop there". If I pull up and am not sure, I keep going.
Ok, so after typing this, I realize it may be a little over the top, but oh well! Shopping is something I enjoy. Retail therapy is a real thing for me. To make it possible, I have to find the deals in order to not go broke.
I might add, we use an envelope system for our finances (maybe a post for another day), and this bargaining I like to do is figured into the budget, so The Mister is happy and so am I!!
I am not good at many things, but getting a bargain is one of them. I can honestly find any deal, any time, anywhere. I rarely buy anything (groceries aside) that is not on clearance, preferably 75% off with a coupon on top of that.
I have 2 coupon files. One for food/grocery items. One for personal care. Each is organized by type (for instance, snacks, meats, dog items, makeup/face, soap etc.) They are with me at all times! You never know when you might have to stop off at the store.
Target is by far my favorite place to find deals, "end cap cruising" is the only way to do it. Rite Aid is a close second, they have LOTS of 75% off items.
Here is how it's done. Enter Target. Ignore all colorful and inviting bags, purses, and other cute stuff. Focus only on signs that say "clearance". Look for the infamous orange/red sticker. Open coupon book and assess if there is a corresponding coupon for the item. But, adopt the policy that if you don't need it, can't use it, or don't know someone who can, then pass (i.e: Depends Men's Guards). I have also bought excess toothpaste, soap, deodorant and kept some, donated the rest to shelters, soup kitchens, needy families, etc.
And, admittedly, I have bought those items that I couldn't use, and been sorry later.
Need something specific? Here is Target's mark down schedule. (Thank you Jerry Seawood for the insider info!)
Monday - Electronics, Kids Clothing and Stationary (Cards, GiftWrap, etc.)
Tuesday - Domestics, Women's Clothing, Pets and Market (food items)
Wednesday - Men's Clothing, Toys, Lawn & Garden, Health and Beauty items
Thursday - House Wares, Lingerie, Sporting Goods, Shoes, Music / Movies, Books, Decor and Luggage
Friday - Auto, Cosmetics, Hardware, and Jewelry
After holiday's:
50% off the day after holiday for three days
75% off the fourth day after holiday for three days
90% off the seventh day after holiday for 1-2 days.
Other places to look:
Rite Aid/Walgreen's/CVS: Scope isles and end-caps for "discontinued", "clearance", and "last chance". This is where I get most of my cosmetics for less and $2 each when they are 75% off plus a dollar off with a coupon. Also, I have paid about .25 cents for toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc. Cleaning products, diapers, and other baby products are also something you can find in these stores.
For clothing, I try to wait for the "Friends and Family" coupons. Most stores do them once or twice per year. There are few restrictions on them, so they can be used on top of sale or clearance. The Gap, Old Navy, Banana Republic, and Ann Taylor Loft are some of my favorites.
For toys, I do hit the yard sales. But, avoid stuffed animals- they can be nasty. I like to stick to plastic type toys and I have gotten some steals on name brand clothes and shoes. I operate usually with the motto "if I would live there, I will shop there". If I pull up and am not sure, I keep going.
Ok, so after typing this, I realize it may be a little over the top, but oh well! Shopping is something I enjoy. Retail therapy is a real thing for me. To make it possible, I have to find the deals in order to not go broke.
I might add, we use an envelope system for our finances (maybe a post for another day), and this bargaining I like to do is figured into the budget, so The Mister is happy and so am I!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The mind of a 3 year old
Well, the time has come that I have to monitor every word that comes from my mouth, and the mouths of anyone who enters my house.
Apparently, my sweet soon-to-be three year old boy Adam is listening. Listening to everything that comes out of every one's mouth and repeating it. Here are some things I have heard lately:
Me: "Adam, it's time to start pooping on the potty"
Him: "really? that's weird"
Me: "Adam, look at this cool book!"
Him: "oh my god!" (much to my dismay)
Me: "you are a silly goose"
Him "no, I Adam"
As I flush the toilet I hear "good job Mommy" As Paul climbs down the ladder "good job Daddy"
Aunt Sarah visits and is greeted with "wow, nice car Sarah"
On the way to the world's largest yard sale, he had a poopy diaper.
Me: "Adam, what do you want to get at the yard sale"
Him: " a diaper change"
Upon leaving the doctors office,
Me: "Adam, you have an ear infection"
Him: "Oh, crap" (yikes, I will take the blame on that, saying crap is a downfall of mine)
Me: "do you want to go on the rides?"
Him: "yeah, but I need some money"
Me: "Adam, where is your favorite place to go" (expecting Disney World, Chuck-E-Cheese, maybe church)
Him: "Target"
So often I find myself saying "that's my boy", and just as often saying "where did he come from?" Oh, the joys!

Apparently, my sweet soon-to-be three year old boy Adam is listening. Listening to everything that comes out of every one's mouth and repeating it. Here are some things I have heard lately:
Me: "Adam, it's time to start pooping on the potty"
Him: "really? that's weird"
Me: "Adam, look at this cool book!"
Him: "oh my god!" (much to my dismay)
Me: "you are a silly goose"
Him "no, I Adam"
As I flush the toilet I hear "good job Mommy" As Paul climbs down the ladder "good job Daddy"
Aunt Sarah visits and is greeted with "wow, nice car Sarah"
On the way to the world's largest yard sale, he had a poopy diaper.
Me: "Adam, what do you want to get at the yard sale"
Him: " a diaper change"
Upon leaving the doctors office,
Me: "Adam, you have an ear infection"
Him: "Oh, crap" (yikes, I will take the blame on that, saying crap is a downfall of mine)
Me: "do you want to go on the rides?"
Him: "yeah, but I need some money"
Me: "Adam, where is your favorite place to go" (expecting Disney World, Chuck-E-Cheese, maybe church)
Him: "Target"
So often I find myself saying "that's my boy", and just as often saying "where did he come from?" Oh, the joys!

Friday, May 15, 2009
Take a picture.... it will last longer.
As far as housekeeping goes, all I can say is I try!
I am trying to let go of this notion that I have to be the perfect housekeeper, mom, wife, friend etc.. I was stressing myself out and it was affecting my self esteem and ability to parent the way I want to!
So, I got help! And, I am thrilled about it. It takes off so much pressure, and it's easier to keep up inbetween. Just a little budget tweaking and a sacrifice here and there has made it possible.
I had to capture this beautiful moment for the world to see... my carpet free of toys, blocks, dog bones, etc- perfectly vacuumed, floors shiny (ignore foot)...
I am trying to let go of this notion that I have to be the perfect housekeeper, mom, wife, friend etc.. I was stressing myself out and it was affecting my self esteem and ability to parent the way I want to!
So, I got help! And, I am thrilled about it. It takes off so much pressure, and it's easier to keep up inbetween. Just a little budget tweaking and a sacrifice here and there has made it possible.
I had to capture this beautiful moment for the world to see... my carpet free of toys, blocks, dog bones, etc- perfectly vacuumed, floors shiny (ignore foot)...

A New Timesaver!

This was an item I have been wanting for a long time. Finally got it. It's an awesome single cup Keurig coffee maker- it's super fast, super fresh, and gets me out the door in the morning with a hot fresh cup of coffee. It has these cool mini-coffee cups (they look like a creamer) that you pop in the top and brew. You can choose all different strengths, flavors, and even cocoa and tea! Neat, huh?
I am so happy!
P.S.- I wish that was my kitchen, it's a stock photo...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Mother's Day!
Happy belated Mother's Day to all you hardworking mommy's out there, and all you dad's who support them!
We had a very nice day! Relaxing on my end. Paul gave me a gift certificate to a great local spa- I may get my first facial ever! And, much to my suprise I also got a cool lip gloss that I had been hemming and hawing over buying. Adam made me a beautiful hair clip, and Zachary personalized a flower pot for me.
But, what really mattered to me was being home with nothing to do except hang with the family. That truly is my favorite thing to to (don't get me wrong, I need my breaks too, but being a full time working mom I do cherish my time for just hanging out with my family.)
It's so weird to think that less than 3 years ago I did not have any children yet. I ofren wonder, "what did I do with my time" "what brought me the ongoing joy?", and "why did I ever say I was tired or busy"? I feel like God has really blessed us, really rolled out the red carpet on our lives- we are blessed and thankful!

We had a very nice day! Relaxing on my end. Paul gave me a gift certificate to a great local spa- I may get my first facial ever! And, much to my suprise I also got a cool lip gloss that I had been hemming and hawing over buying. Adam made me a beautiful hair clip, and Zachary personalized a flower pot for me.
But, what really mattered to me was being home with nothing to do except hang with the family. That truly is my favorite thing to to (don't get me wrong, I need my breaks too, but being a full time working mom I do cherish my time for just hanging out with my family.)
It's so weird to think that less than 3 years ago I did not have any children yet. I ofren wonder, "what did I do with my time" "what brought me the ongoing joy?", and "why did I ever say I was tired or busy"? I feel like God has really blessed us, really rolled out the red carpet on our lives- we are blessed and thankful!

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