I originally started this blog with the intent to keep it like an archive, a journal, or memorabilia for the boys. I have had many posts that talked about them, and some about me, and some about random stuff. So, I felt it appropriate to just brag a little, briefly, tastefully... so bear with me or skip it if you get annoyed with proud parents. (-:
My son, Adam, is 2 years and not quite 4 months. We feel that in addition to his sweet little boy looks, he inherited the recessive genius trait from us,. Well, not really, but we are just tickled with his level of brightness and sponge like absorption of his world. He can identify all of letters, A to Z, usually only stumbling on "S' calling it 2. We let it slide. He can count to 20, identify every single Sesame Street character (among others), and sing a collection of songs, etc, etc, etc. And funny? This kid could crack you up- speaking of funny, when he says the word "funny" it sounds like "horny"... that can make for some interesting looks while in public... (mommy is funny... )
He knows the way to Ami's house, and cries if I go a different way, and also knows the way home from anywhere and protests if I make a detour.
When getting off the highway today, he was saying "daddy, cheeses, daddy cheeses!" and lo and behold, to our left was Chuck-e- Cheese, where we have only been twice. When we think he is not listening, he usually comes out with something later that proves that he was, in fact, paying close attention. That also happens when mommy or daddy slips and says "crap" or "shoot", which are now in my little boys vocabularly... oops!
I know that some of these things might seem sort of miniscule, but Paul and I just are amazed to see our first baby turning into a little boy who loves to learn, think, and be challenged.
And then there is my Zachary....Zachary is my soft spot for sure. He is about to crawl, and WANTS TO!! A week or so and he will be on the move. The little man is just about over his first cold. He was a real trooper, smiling through all the boogers and eyes crusted shut. The boy is a bright light, he just shines- he's the kind of baby that wins over those who are not "baby people". He insists that you love him. He will surely be a strong and eager learner, he already is exploring his world intensely. He loves to play. He is already imitating faces and sounds that others make.
Oh, and did I mention that he, at just shy of 7 months, is only 1/2 an inch shorter than his big brother at a year? He's about off the chart for height. I have a vision of the two boys, at say 4 and 6, and Zachary already being taller... won't that be something. He's no toothpick either, already 21 pounds and hearty as can be. But, when it comes down to it he's just a baby and I am in no hurry to see him be anything else!
I will stop now.
Thank you for your kind attention.
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