Thursday, September 17, 2009

Well, It's Here...

The "mommy guilt' has set in.
Going back to work has been hard on me, and seems to be a little hard on the boys too, mostly Zachary.
While I know that there is nothing wrong with having a career, the truth is I miss the kids! A lot! And, it's pretty clear at the end of the day they miss me too. Adam tells me, Zachary clings to me.
So, readers, if you are out there say a quick prayer for this mommy, I miss my babies!!

(Oh, and P.S. readers... leave a comment once in a while! (-: )


Jenn said...

Hang in there, Julie!

Chris said...

Time to take a day off. :o) TGIF!

Could take a year or so off....

Chris said...

Oops that was from Corrie, not Chris. Sorry about that.

Marisa said...

Not being a mom yet, I cannot empathize...but i can imagine how hard it would be to leave those beautiful boys every morning, because they are the BEST.

But, you are doing it for them. So they can experience things that others you can take them places, and let them live life to the fullest. It's not ALL about money, and "THINGS", but it does help!

Besides, your job is meaningful! There are kids everyday at Niagara Street that need you, your warmth, your comfort and your guidance..How lucky the both of us are to have well paying jobs that allow us to share love all day! Treasure your weekends and be thankful that you only work 180 days a year! It's the best job in the world!