Friday, October 2, 2009

Working Mom Woes

So, I am struggling. This may not be the happy-go-lucky post you all know and love (-:
Maybe I will post a cute pic to lighten it up.

I am glad I have writing as an outlet. I do not want to stress my husband out by making him think I want to quit my job. I do not want to quit my job beacuse I enjoy it. I enjoy the work, I enjoy the adult time, I enjoy not having to wonder if ends will meet. More importantly, I feel I am where God wants to use me. I feel he is using me as a light in the lives of some kids who have so little.
But, I cannot get past the bottom line. I miss my kids. I feel like I am not giving them all I should. Our nights are hard. Two kids who have been stimulated all day at daycare and have just gotten a so-so nap usually add up to pretty grumpy and challening little guys for the evening. So, naturally, no parent wants to feel that the time they have with their kids is a struggle. But, frankly, lately it has been much of the time. Plus, the nature of my work involves a LOT of needy children, so I am stretched thin.
I am certainly not complaining, just expressing. We are blessed beyond what I ever expected. Just pray that we get situated here and more into the "swing of things". It will get better. Then, summer will come again... can't wait.

1 comment:

MGBR said...

Transitions take time. And notice you felt this way at the end of the work week -- naturally. Hang in there!