Friday, January 1, 2010

I am an admitted Facebooker. I have heard many of opinions on Facebook... some love it, some despise it, some have it as a result of peer pressure. I can say I enjoy it. I enjoy keeping up with those people who cross my mind a few times per year and just seeing how they are doing.

That cute couple in college- did they get married?

Some old youth group friends- wow- what are they up to?

My group of friends from college... do their kids look like them?

And, I ,like anyone (including the 300+ of you wonderful visitors in the last week who did not leave a comment, lol) love to do a little innocent stalking on those who intrigue me. Hey, I am human! Inquiring minds do want to know, you know.

That being said, today as I was browsing through some status updates, I saw many who reflected that 2009 was a painful year, a difficult year, a year of loss, one that they would like to forget for one reason of another (and maybe kick in the butt a few times on the way out).

It got me thinking... thinking again about the blessings in my life. Again about the need to stay happy and content. About the basic silver platter that has been handed to me and my family- a happy marriage, two beautiful, healthy, and well loved children, a more than suitable home, two reliable vehicles... and those are just the "things". God has blessed my family with peace and blessings. He has protected us from pain and harm. He has provided for us, even when we were not faithful to him.

Perfect? Of course not. Issues at times? Sure. But the big picture is pretty sunny.

So, I wanted to take a moment to thank the Lord for his abundant blessings we have been given as a family. I am not naive to the trials and bumps in the road that will surely come, but wow, God is good to us and I am thankful.

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his love endures forever.
Psalm 107:1


Jenn said...

I was thinking along the same lines myself yesterday! I'm so thankful to be blessed as I am.

Heather said...

I couldn't agree more! Great post Julie!

Happy New Year to you and your family!

EcoMeg said...

Absolutely yes! So good to take stock of all of the things to be grateful for. All my best for the new year!