Sunday, January 24, 2010

My Weigh In on the Weight Battle...

If you are a person who forgets to eat, wears a 00 petite, or has been prescribed Ensure to put on a few pounds, then please hit your "x" now and check back in in a few days because this post is not for you!

At work, we have "The Biggest Loser" contest going on, so I grabbed a partner and joined in. Who doesn't love a little friendly workplace rivalry? Especially when there is 400 bucks on the line.

For anyone who knows me even a little, it won't be a surprise when I say my weight has been a never ending battle. For the past 5 years or so, it's been a winning battle. The last 6 months or so has been a struggle. I am not sure if it's stress, snacking, appetite, or just getting older but as my jeans have grown tighter my spirits have fallen little by little. It's amazing what ten pounds either way can do for the self esteem!

So, time to get back in control.

Anyone else out there a stress eater? A joy eater? A bored eater? A social eater?

Well, my imaginary hand just raised four times.

But, I have had a great week. My hubby is on board with this too, which helps.

What are your weight control secrets?? Please share!


Marisa said...

have a healthy snack at all times.
Pull out that Vera Bowler bag and stuff it with fruit, water and almonds. Eat every 2 hours alternating snacks and's working for me.

NEVER LET YOURSELF GET HUNGRY...thats when you binge.

8.5 in 3 weeks - YOU CAN DO IT JULES!

MGBR said...

A couple of years ago, a book called The Writing Diet by Julia Cameron really helped me lose weight. And it's not just a one-time program -- it's a set of principles and exercises (both physical and creative) that can be effectively "lived out" over the long haul.

Currently, I am "off" the program since we are expecting another baby. But actually, even as I write that, I realize that I still could apply "The Writing Diet" advice to my weight life, even as I gain, Gain, GAIN over the next six months.