Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Quirk: def: A peculiarity of behavior; an idiosyncrasy


"Every man had his own quirks and twists" (Harriet Beecher Stowe).

I am the kind of person who is probably annoyingly diplomatic, until I reach a point where I am just done and spill out some borderline inappropriate, but usually true, statement about the situation . ( I've gotten more than a few raised eyebrows and chuckles out of my chosen few I let see that side...)

When watching TV in my bedroom I have to know exactly where both remotes are or I just can't relax...

I've been known to have 25 windows open at once on my computer and not even know it...

I have a strict system at Target for shopping end caps. Only my sister Sarah gets it. Straying from it ruins the whole experience for me.

I truly do not like others doing my laundry. While putting it away is no fun, I do have a specific way I want things washed, dried, and hung up/folded. (Paul sighs with relief...)

I do not like to wear foundation makeup... I just feel gross all day. So, I skip it and hope for the best!

I check my e-mail like 20 times per day... I never get any but always hope! You'd think I would have given up by now (or started sending an e-mail once in a while)!

These are some of mine... I'm dying to know some of yours....


Anonymous said...

We are all peculiar in our own way, even if we think we are not, others might. I'm particular about how the dishwasher is loaded, after 20 something years of doing it, I have it down to a science. Then, my husband loads it and OMGosh, there's wooden bowls and cutting boards, plastic on the bottom rack, plastic mugs with writing on them (which gets black or whatever color all over the other dishes). It seriously makes me crazy. When will he ever learn? But now that he's the "house husband" I guess I'll have to put up with it - or do the dishes myself - uh uh.

I'll send you an email Julie.

Love, Aunt Mary

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, yes I am with you on the Target comment. YOU are the only one who gets my target paths and for that I never really enjoy shopping there unless I am with you!!
We all have our quirks... my most peculiar one is that ALL of my hangers must be white and plastic. No colors, no wire, no clear plastic. It is strange but a must!!

Corrie said...

Thanks to some roommates I had once I have a very peculiar way of turning a door knob.... :o)

Hopefully this comes to your email inbox!

Anonymous said...

I need to check the doors, beep the cars and know where my keys and cell phone are before I can go to bed.

I always feel the need to let the battery run completely out before I recharge it. This gets me made fun of all the time.

I eat my Skittles in pairs and in a particular color order. I start with my least favorite and work my way to the two I like the most. Those I eat together because I like the flavor combo.