Friday, April 16, 2010

Canadian Maple Syrup

Aside from ketchup chips, this may be the best food item out of Canada!
I had asked my mom and dad in-law for some maple syrup. To my surprise, we got this!
A gallon, yes a whole gallon, of the good stuff!

From the Vinkle "mothership"

They say the "light" is the best kind.

Sharbot Lake, Ontario- Mom and Dad V's hometown! (this family is a relative who I have not met)

Now there's no need to pick and choose, I can make them all!


Maple glazed pork tenderloin

Belgian Waffles

Maple roasted squash


Jenn said...

You've made me homesick. Or homehungry. Or something. I need to consume poutine. And ketchup chips. And dill pickle chips. And Eatmors. (Fun fact: Hershey makes Eatmors at the plant right by our house here--but I can't buy them from the factory, because they have to go up to Canada. So close, but so far.)

Thanks for your kind words on my last post, by the way. It meant a lot. :)

Heather said...

Yum, yum, YUM! Enjoy that maple syrup. Every. Last. Drop.

Corrie said...

One of the best things is maple syrup on snow. You might be able to put ice cubes in your blender and make maple syrup snow cones. YUMMY!

BTW...Do you let the kids sample? :o)