Sunday, April 4, 2010

“The most important things in life (STILL) aren't things.” Anthony D'Angelo

So, if you have the time read this, so I don't have to explain the sad day I had two weeks ago.
Well, Wednesday my sweet and sensitive husband (with the help of my mom and family jewelry store staff) recreated my bracelet and he presented it to me nonchalantly. Of course, I accepted with a bittersweet feeling (and knowing the slight hit to the bank account that it would cause). A replaced sentimental piece of jewelry has that feeling, I think... happiness to have it again but still a "there's nothing like the real thing" feeling.

Enter Murphy's Law, or the idea that an event which is possible (non-zero probability) will almost surely take place.

Friday, while cleaning up some stuff in the basement, I picked up a pouch that was holding some new reusable shopping bags I had bought.

Shall I finish?

Yes, the bag was heavier than it should have been.

Yes, the original bracelet was in the bottom.

Yes, I swear I looked there.

Yes, I was thrilled.

Yes, Paul wanted to kill me/hug me.

And, yes, the aforementioned family owned jewelry store took the new one back.

And, OF COURSE, I bought two new charms in celebration of the event, plus a surprise charm given by my friend Nancy that now makes the bracelet even more sentimental!

And, naturally, I still feel “The most important things in life aren't things.” Anthony D'Angelo


Corrie said...

The same thing happened to my engagement ring, but the store WOULDN"T take it back. Now I have 2.

Heather said...

FInally catching up on your blog a bit, Julie!
I felt your pain while reading this post...
It always SOON as we replace something, we find the original! (Happened with my phone last year!)
Your boys are adorable and getting so grown up! Miss you!