Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Something many would never guess about me is that if I was not in the human services field, i would definitely be in sales. I am a Tupperware representative's dream, a Pampered Chef consultant's answer to a big commission on a slow month, a Mary Kay lady's Pink Cadillac.

Ok, so I am exaggerating a bit.

But I do get excited about selling stuff, especially when I get my rewards in return.

Point is, my $700 + Pampered Chef Show for my cousin, and bride-to-be, Marisa entitled me to these adorable pink and white dots martini glasses for only $17.00!!

If you could see my collection of glasses, they are mostly plastic, ugly, and old. When I saw these, I got so excited. I probably won't be having martinis, but love the idea of using them for ice cream or milkshakes.
Now I just need an RSVP- pick a day and I will make something good.

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