Friday, July 9, 2010

I found myself in a conversation the other day that left me thinking. It was at a table of pretty much strangers from my church. Nice women, fantastic mothers, strong believers. It was a conversation that was not meant to offend. Not meant to hurt. But, nevertheless one that left me feeling bad (for lack of a better word) the rest of the day. It went a little something like this...

Person 1 " I made a decision that a stranger would never watch my kids all day. Daycares are impersonal, and the ratio is terrible"
Person 2 "When I decided to have kids, I committed to raising them myself"
Person 3 "Most daycares are really scary"

Me. Quiet. Trying not to make eye contact so no one could read me.

Person 1 "I mean, nothing against anyone who uses daycare. Some people have to, but there usually is a way to stay home"
Person 2 "Yeah, I mean it's good for socialization...
Person 3 "...but just not the same as the one on one attention"

Me. Quiet. Second guessing. Bordering on feeling judged. Knowing that no harm is meant. But still, feeling it.

It's not the first time. Usually it's me beating myself up and feeling guilty.

I am a working mom who uses daycare. Those girls that care for my kids are not strangers. The way Zachary squeals when he sees his Miss Toni, and the way Adam admires and learns from his teacher Ms. Tilkens, or "T" as they call her... I am grateful for them. But that's not really what this is all about.
Being a part of this conversation made me realize- I bet I have done this. In one way or another I bet I have inadvertently hurt someone with my opinions. There have been times, I am sure, where I have put my foot in my mouth without even realizing it. Offended someone by simply expressing what I think is right, hitting a sensitive spot I don't know is there.

I am going to be more careful with my words.
I am going to remain confident in my choices regarding my children (no one knows them like I do).
I am not going to be angry, bitter, or feel resentment.


EcoMeg said...

It's a good reminder for me, too, so thank you for sharing that. And you are right: no one knows your children better than you do.

Marisa said...

I've been on both sides of this - nice reminder to keep my mouth shut and not be judgemental. Thanks Julie!