Gorgeous apples
Garden tomatoes, cucumbers, and hot peppers
Local nectarines
Freshly picked squash
Which of these things doesn't belong with the others?

I was loving my new fruit bowl and this season of fresh everything... but then, the inevitable... those dang little flies apparently love those excellent produce finds too!
So, now rather than doubling as a decorative accent for my kitchen, everything is now stored away and, against recommendations, in the fridge.
I made a trap!
Here's how:
Cut a pop bottle about 1/3 of the way down and invert it (see diagram)
In the bottom of the bottle, put a piece of banana and some red wine vinegar.
Those little buggers go right to it, and then can't get out! Ha!

is that your table, because i see a fish head! ewww
can't they get back out the opening they came in that bottle?
I put a drop of dish detergent in a small bowl of white vinegar. It works great!
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