Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween 2010

This year, because Halloween fell on a Sunday, it felt like a 3-day event!
We wound up with a full schedule due to parades, parties, and the usual festivities. Not to mention, we also wound up taking the plunge and leased a new vehicle, which took up some time as well (looooong time coming!). The weather got pretty darn cold, too. I realized sometime Sunday while stressing over what to do (Family Fun Night at church, regular trick or treating, handing out candy...etc), that Dumbo and Mickey did not care and were not asking about any of it. I think they felt their celebrations at school were "it", and they were unaware that any more fun was supposed to occur (- : !
Are there any other moms out there, who want so badly for their kids to be happy and have fun, that you forget to stop, look and see that they are content? My thought last Sunday was "WHY?".... if they don't care, why drag them out in the cold to get candy that they (and I) do not need? Guilt and uncertainty led us up the street to about 3 houses in costume then back home, where they were asking to go.
Adam at school

Zachary at school... yes, they tie them together, and yes, that's a dinosaur princess

On the porch

5 houses and done!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Oh man just 5 houses? That's not enough candy to be able to sneak any!!!