Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Is Santa coming today?
That was Adam's first statement today. Quite possibly before he even opened his eyes.
The Christmas magic is alive in our house.
Trying to stress the "reason for the season" can be challenging with two little boys whose eyes light up at the mention of Santa, and whose mouths drop at the plentiful lights in our area.
Adam did say "Jesus' birthday... hmmm... is Jesus' last name God?" He's sort of obsessed with people's last names. And Zachary saying as we read a Christmas book "who is that baby, does he pee on the potty?", shows he noticed the baby but has his own.. ahem ...obsession at the moment. Here's what I am hoping they might ask soon enough...

We decorated the tree as a family and powered through the near meltdowns of a 2- year- old whose motor skills do not yet allow for effective ornament hanging, but whose level of independence refuses help of any kind. It was fun. Lots of ornaments are concentrated front and center at about the 3' 2'' mark. I am going to leave it that way. They're only young once, right?

1 comment:

Maureen said...

You are right - they are children only once. Enjoy every single moment. The moments will soon enough be distant memories.