Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wow, it' s been a little while since I have blogged. I guess it's a combo of not a lot going on, but the stuff that is new is outside of my "share it with the world" boundaries.
I am embracing the next two weeks of stay-at-home mommyhood. We are all off school and let's just say it's not all that hard to get used to this. While I am loving the more leisurely schedule, especially in the morning, the break in structure is not always good (hyper kids, lack of thier routine- other mom's- are you nodding yet). Once we get into a good groove, it will be time to go back.
In the meaintime, I can't wait for:
-some warmer days coming up
-a visit to Utica for a long awaited time with my friend and her kids
-succesfully executing a surprise (that's all I will say).

AND... in keeping with tradition, our return to this place, quickly approacing...

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