Thursday, April 4, 2013

3 Bullets to Update Life

While I've been quiet on my blog, a lot has been going on for us I won't write a book, but give some highlights..

  • December '12/January '13: With mixed feelings I resigned the job I enjoyed based at the school that's like home, filled with the kids I love, for a school social work job with Buffalo City Schools.  It's a fantastic opportunity that puts me back on the same calendar as my kids (summers off- woo hoo!), provides free healthcare, increased salary, and a shorter workday... a true no brainer.  That being said, it was sure hard to leave the family of co-workers I've loved working with for nearly 5 years.   Adam had some suspicious headaches- rapid onset, intense, and ending with vomiting.  Scary for us and him, but all tests and follow up are normal.  Seems to be migraines, which I am prone to as well.  Poor kid.  Skylanders Giants have overtaken us thanks to Santa and family members who love buy presents. The kids' instant expertise in this area blows me away, especially since video games are only allowed her one day a week.  The house sale, has begun to pick back up (on the market since Oct, had a fast start but a silent holiday season).  So many showings that it's been near impossible to mess it up in-between... which is saying A LOT.   Two beautiful report cards make us proud of our boys in school, and this mom unable to use the old "spell it out" technique anymore.    
  • February '13: Our house is sold! Mixed feelings both surprise and overwhelm me.  While it's time to make a move, this house is sentimental for me in so many ways.  But, the search is on.  My compartmental way of thinking had not allowed me to get excited about looking for a house in fear of falling in love and being disappointed.  But now it looks as though we may have to double up with my mom for a short time, as the real estate market has gone on the upswing and properties are selling faster than we can see them.  The seemingly never ending winter has lent itself to fun sledding, but not so fun freezing all the time! Disneyland is booked thanks in part to a professional conference Paul is attending on site and in part to Southwest Air and their Click n' Save Specials.  Traveling cross county with kids- hmmmm full report to follow.  Super excited though!  Also a nice way to celebrate ten years of marriage... 
  • March '13: First offer on a new home falls through.  One day I will accept that houses don't come with orange clearance stickers Target style.  One day.  Not today.  Near constant showings leave us slightly discouraged, but wanting to hold out for the right home. Isn't this supposed to be fun??  Winter continues, relentless! And I am not even a winter hater, but this year is brutal.   ZZ has the first illness of the season for our family- wow did we dodge a bullet if I go by the Facebook updates and reports from friends.  My mom had him overnight and showed up at my door at 7 am- full fledged fever and croup, and what I have always called "sick eyes". One bonus is that he sat still long enough to snuggle, accepted kisses (rather than wiping them off, which is status quo now), and thankfully he bounced back fairly quickly.  This same boy turned 5 in what he would describe as "the best birthday ever, even better than the other two!"   I would have to agree with that, he had a pretty darn good birthday week.  The boys' school district gets 2 weeks off for Spring/Easter recess, so they've been living it up since March 22.   Sadly, my sweet cousin Jessica, age 14, went to be with Jesus after her 4 year fight against Ewings Sarcoma, a rare bone cancer.  Her bubbly personality and spiritual maturity beyond her years reflected beautifully in her services.  It was such a sad time, raising many questions about why these things happen- which never are fully answered.   We celebrated Easter trying to focus on the real meaning of the day, but of course had some Easter Bunny fun mixed in.  
That's the last three months in a nutshell! 


Corrie said...

Wow! What a crazy 3 months.
Congrats about your job. Although I'm not surprised. You are so good at what you do - it just fits you.
I'm sorry about your house and your loss.

Paul said...

Time for an update.