Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Truth About Halloween

Some love it. Really, really love it. Love it to the point of a blow up Homer Simpson on the front Lawn dressed as a skeleton...

or, other ummmm...."types" of decorations that take a lot of effort to think of...----->

Me? Not so much.
It's not something where I am adamantly against it or think it's a devil day or anything, but I just am indifferent about the holiday. I do love to put the kids in cute costumes, and certainly can put away my fair share of candy, but to me, it's just another day! The truth is that the costumes are hot, the candy, while delicious, is not the best choice for teeth or waistlines, and on top of it all, where I live there are more inappropriately dressed teens than cute little ones out trick or treating.

Nevertheless, here are some pics of the cuties (and no, not the ones to the above right)!

Zachary's thinking "you might be a cute Dumbo, but really you're just a Nuk thief"

Whyyyyyyyy did you make me do this???
I can fly!

Alright, I will give this Halloween thing a shot....

1 comment:

Corrie said...

Your boys are so cute! My son was totally like the little elephant, "Why are you making me do this?" He has a valid point because he is too young to eat most of the candy.