Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Moms of toddlers, close your eyes and imagine with me... you are gazing at your adorable baby as he/she sleeps peacefully. He stirs, eyes open. You say "good morning", he replies "NO". You say, "ready to go downstairs?", he says "NO". While playing alone in the dining room I hear "NO NO NO!" to no one or nothing in particular.
"No! Downstairs"
"No No! I outside"
"No NO NO Diaper"

Do you see a theme here?

I feel like a rookie here. I do not remember this the first time around. The thoughts "he's lucky he's cute", and "I am not sure I will make it though this" are often.

Here's an article from Parents magazine, it gives some good info and reminders. Why Toddlers Always Say "No!": Focus on the Positive As parents, we usually know what we should be doing, such as giving small choices, rewards,follow through on consequences and reframes, but sometimes we need reminders. I said to Paul, "I think Zachary said "no" 300 times today.". Then, as I thought about it, I wonder how many times I said "no" to him. Imitation is flattery, RIGHT? Ugh.

Can't you just see the mischief under that hair?


Jenn said...

Yeah, that sounds like life with Wiggle Man these days. We have commenced Potty Training, so I hear "no!" a lot. A lot.

You shall overcome! :)

Corrie said...

My second says no a lot more too. I think it is because he is so much more active and into everything! #1 wasn't that inquisitive.

After you lay them down - chocolate.