Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Reader? Already?

He can read!!!
Adam started full day pre-k this past September. I knew from his previous class at daycare what an absolute sponge he (and all kids his age) are for information of any kind. Still, the things Adam is learning are amazing to me. First came the sight words, one week "I", one week "the", one week "my", etc.. until yesterday while practicing he read "I go to my Ami's", and "I go to the game" on his own. Yes, read. Looking at each word, identifying it, and saying it- not just having memorized it from repetition, all with a big accomplished smile. I really had a proud parent moment, knowing that my boy not only was working hard, but was taking so much pride in his learning. Exactly as I had always hoped.
Combine that with his endless knowledge of penguins, wind, and healthy foods he's ready for college. Sigh.


Corrie said...

Hooray! Great job!

Unknown said...

Its a great feeling!! Javan is doing great reading too. We print out the paper books on starfall.com under downloads. If you haven't already, check it out...Javan reads through them fairly easily now but they have really helped and they have downloadable homework assignments too.

Julie said...

Awesome, thanks guys!