Monday, January 31, 2011

Next Chapter

Mixed feelings. That's the only way I can describe how I feel about my house, which is now on the market.

Sort of like "The Old Wagon" episode of Modern Family... when the Dunphy's clean out their old station wagon to to sell it, finding the kids old blankies, jars of sunshine, and even find sentiment in a shirt that was puked on... but know it's time to part with the nostalgic car.
Watch the clip, you'll get the idea (watch the whole episode if you have 20 minutes, it's super funny)....

On one hand, we've way outgrown it. At times to the point where I feel like that walls are closing in, and green army men toys are in invading every available space I have. It's old (charming too, I suppose), gets really dusty, and we need more storage. Usually I feel "done" with this city, and ready to embrace somewhere new, whether new is 15 minutes away or 15 hours away.

On the other hand, I see the home we moved into before life got complicated, when it was just "us". The house we made a home when we brought our babies home. The old heating vent they sit in front of in their jammies trying to warm up on these January mornings. The yard of summer memories, great gardens, and baby pool splashing. The 8 minute drive to Target, the 4 minute drive to work. I see the "Lights in the Park" from my house, and think of the charm the area holds despite the challenges of city living.
But, like everything, the time comes to move on... so prayers appreciated for the next chapter.
"Just us- 2004"

The first day home with Adam

Winter mornings (those cinnamon buns were stolen off the island, lol)

1 comment:

Holly said...

I felt the same way when we sold our 100-year old village home. It was smallish, and full of "character" with pocket doors and creaky wooden stairs. I begged my husband to let us build on, but he said no... I still miss it :(