Saturday, May 14, 2011

Disney 2011

A vacation is like love - anticipated with pleasure, experienced with discomfort, and remembered with nostalgia. ~Author Unknown

This quote could not ring more true for the trip we just took! While a wonderful and unforgettable time, we had some, ummm... moments. Vacations with kids has an oxymoronic quality... but honestly I would not have it any other way. A quick four day jaunt to Orlando was the vacation this time... stayed on Disney property at the All Star Movies Resort and had a jammed packed schedule. As with most things, the planning was all futile, and we wound up having to make lots of adjustments for two little guys in 90 degree heat and LOTS of walking. We enjoyed the theme parks, good food, and they LOVED swimming in the pools.
Moms planning a Disney trip with kids too big to want strollers but too small for a full day, be sure to make your plans for parks on half day increments... and take time to rest up in-between! Do what the kids want and are enjoying, not what you think should be a part of "the plan". I mean, who knew that the mist sprayers in Adventure Land would provide to much joy??
And, if at all possible opt for direct flights, and use, buy, or borrow a portable DVD player.

I smile looking at our pictures... and, you can thank me later for collaging them and not making you look at a 115 picture album. (-:

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