Thursday, September 5, 2013

Prayers for the quirky kid

I chose a really cute pair of sneakers for my 7-year old son with mock police lights on them. So cute, right? He's not yet at a place where he cares too much- as long as they're blue.
Then you realize (and by realize I mean getting told by my husband and sister) that he's going into second and there's a chance that he will get picked on for these "baby shoes". Not to mention, he really needs to be wearing lace up shoes at this point. Shoot.
I worry more about him. He's quirky, particular, and unique. So, so special. How many other seven year olds have never, ever tasted candy? (By choice. Shamefully, we've begged and bribed him to try Skittles to no avail.) Not many kids have spoken fake Arabic to try to relate to his ESL school buddies, and few can memorize a map better than most adults- pointing me in the direction of Cars Land at Disneyland- "mom, it's two rows up and to the left". He says things like "as a matter or fact" and "indeed", describes his once beloved toys as "old school", greets you with a "how do you do", and sends you off with a "mom, I hope you have a terrific, spelendid morning"? I consider him an old soul.
But after six years of working in a school, I know that quirky does not always translate to endearing in a teachers eyes. And other times it does. We've had both expierences. The common core might not suit the not-so-common kid very well. So, I pray they see what I see- and find a soft spot for him and encourage his uniqueness, not quelch it.

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