As I promised myself, I need to keep the milestones on record for the family. So, in review...
January brought Zachary's first tooth! 10 months, took long enough!
Zachary is nearing walking... pushing toys, standing on his own before he realizes it and plops down on his bum.
We are pretty sure that we have a first word- "Uh oh", and it's used at the right times, too. We also are hearing "mama" "dada", and "gah". And, when we eat or give him food he gives us an enthuastic "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM". And, his tongue seems so long as he licks his chin that we wonder if it could touch his toes. Clapping began this past week.... and waving recently, too cute.
Oh, and I have to mention- he continues to be the happiest and cutest little guy around.
At the 9 month well visit, Zachary fell in about the 75th percentile for everything, so he's progressing nicely with his growth. He also had his first real illness, he came down with pneumonia last week along with a double ear infection. Poor guy, but he got though it like a trooper and is back to 100%.
Oh, and he also has a "new smile", as depicted in the above picture.
My "Rock-A-Band" Superstar

Now on to Adam. It is my delight to see him growing into this little boy who says what he thinks, is able to communicate his wants and needs, and overall just keeps us laughing. Yesterday, he took a major tumble over a toy in the living room. He gets up before I get to him, and says "I ok mommy. I ok." Ha. He also has a slew of expressions for things... like "oh my", "oh my goodness", (ashamedly) "oh crap"... he is definitely paying attention.
He has love for his "guys", all the Disney stuffed animals that he has. The other day he was playing and I asked him what he was doing. He says "Tigga a Pooh", but it sounded like "taking a poop". With our potty training efforts, I was super excited to hear him say this. As I got closer, I saw him playing with Tigger and Pooh, his guys,and with a clean diaper. Rats. Oh well.
Adam is our Rock Band Superstar. He is actually remarkably on beat as he drums along with Paul every night and mommy sings. His favorite songs are Hungry Like the Wolf, and Eye of the Tiger. He's even been known to come grab the mic and chime in. Anyone know when the best ages to start music lessons are?
Well, among other things, Adam continues to say things that make us laugh! He frequently says things like "here you go mommy", "love you", "what happened", he asks "when Grandpy/Ami/Sarah.. etc comin"... and more. The point is that he's getting the concepts of when, actions, feelings, hurting, and more. He knows where he wants to go, who is going to be there, and what can be found at the store,
Ami's house, school, and more. It pretty neat and rewarding as his parent to see him grow in this way.
And for us as a whole, things are good! We are considering planning a Disney vacation for April. We hope to visit Utica VERY soon! Health and weather issues have prevented us from having our visit to my BFF. I need to see her and the kids. And soon! We are certainly ready for this winter to come to a close so we can begin to enjoy the outdoors again!
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